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Product Code C2013K1
Price $137 ex. VAT

High quality graphite working electrode

Perfect for use in standard electrochemistry cells for cyclic voltammetry and more

Overview | Specifications | Pricing and Options

Graphite working electrodes, like glassy carbon working electrodes, are carbon-based electrodes that are used as working electrodes for electrochemistry studies such as cyclic voltammetry, electrolysis and linear sweep voltammetry. Although graphite working electrode is chemically less inert than glassy carbon working electrode, it is more conductive and less expensive.

Known for its chemical stability, good conductivity of electricity and high melting point, graphite working electrode is considered as one of the most widely used electrode in different electrochemical applications either as anode or cathode. Graphite, as one of the forms of carbon electrodes, allows scans to have more negative potentials than platinum electrodes or gold electrodes, as well as good anodic potential windows.

Graphite working electrode has the advantage of obtaining fresh surface upon polishing for its slippery flexible structure along the edge plane, peeling along the basal plane, one feather no other electrodes have.

Buy our high-quality graphite working electrode together with our low price potentiostat and electrochemical cells to start your electrochemical studies. Qualifying orders ship free as part of the Ossila Guarantee.


All dimensions are in millimetres.

Graphite Working Electrode Dimensions
Graphite Working Electrode Dimensions (mm)
Available disc diameter (n) size(s) 2 mm
3 mm
4 mm

Pricing and Options

Product Name Product Code Price
Graphite Working Electrode - 2 mm diameter C2013K1 £105
Graphite Working Electrode - 3 mm diameter C2013L1 £110
Graphite Working Electrode - 4 mm diameter C2013M1 £160

Learn More

Cyclic Voltammetry Basics, Setup, and Applications Cyclic Voltammetry Basics, Setup, and Applications

Cyclic voltammetry is an electrochemical technique for measuring the current response of a redox active solution to a linearly cycled potential sweep between two or more set values.

Introduction to Bulk Electrolysis Introduction to Bulk Electrolysis

Unlike many other electrochemical techniques, which are limited to the diffusion layer, bulk electrolysis (sometimes referred to just ‘electrolysis’) changes the composition of the bulk solution. Bulk electrolysis experiments aim to generate a quantitative conversion such that the amount of substrate consumed is directly proportional to the total consumed charge.

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