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CAS Number 113682-56-7

Chemistry Building Blocks, Materials, MOF Ligands, Porous Organic Frameworks

Product Code B3111-1g
Price $91 ex. VAT

Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) Dipyridylbenzene Ligand

A rigid linear ligand linker for MOFs in applications of environmental protection and separation of the isomers

Specifications | MSDS | Literature and Reviews

1,4-Di(4-pyridyl)benzene (DPyBz), CAS number 113682-56-7, has two end 4-pyridine units joined by a benzene ring at 1,4-positions.

Highly porous metal–organic framework Zn2(TCPP)(DPyBz) (H4TCPP = 2,3,5,6-tetrakis(4-carboxyphenyl)pyrazine) has permanent porosity with high BET areas 1,324 m2 g−1. The Zn2(COO)4 paddlewheel units of the metal-organic framework are fitted together by the TCPP4− ligands to form two-dimensional layers and then further connected by DPyBz ligands as pillars to construct a two-fold catenated 3D framework. Zn2(TCPP)(DPyBz) shows selective CO2 and light hydrocarbon capture with potential applications for environmental protection.

Metallacycle iridium complex, also bearing 1,4-di(4-pyridyl)benzene, can produce n-hexane with a purity of >99% in a single adsorption–desorption cycle from an equimolar mixture of all five isomers of hexane, taking advantage of these dihydrogen bond interactions (B–Hδ−···Hδ+–C ) for the separation of the isomers.

General Information

CAS Number 113682-56-7
Chemical Formula C16H12N2
Full Name 1,4-Di(4-pyridyl)benzene
Molecular Weight 232.29 g/mol
Synonyms DPyBz, 4,4'-(1,4-Phenylene)bispyridine
Classification / Family Dipyridylbenzene, MOF ligands,

Chemical Structure

113682-56-7 - 1,4-di(4-pyridyl)benzene chemical structure
1,4-Di(4-pyridyl)benzene (DPyBz) Chemical Structure, 113682-56-7

Product Details

Purity >98%
Melting Point 193 °C
Appearance White powder/crystal

MSDS Documentation

113682-56-7 - 1,4-di(4-pyridyl)benzene1,4-Di(4-pyridyl)benzene MSDS Sheet

Literature and Reviews

  1. Synthesis and structural characterization of a flexible metal organic framework {[Ni(dpbz)][Ni(CN)4]}n, dpbz = 1,4-bis(4-pyridyl)benzene) with an unusual Ni–N bond, W. Wong-Ng et al., Solid State Sci., 52, 1-9 (52); DOI: 10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2015.11.010.
  2. One-Dimensional Chain-Type Dicopper Coordination Polymer Linked by 1,4-Di(4-pyridyl)benzene; Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Magnetic Property, and Gas-Adsorption Property, N. Yano et al., Magnetochem., 4(2), 26 (2018); DOI: 10.3390/magnetochemistry4020026.
  3. Proton-Assisted Self-Assemblies of Linear Di-Pyridyl Polyaromatic Molecules at Solid/Liquid Interface, H. Li et al., J. Phys. Chem. C, 116 (41), 21753–21761 (2012); DOI: 10.1021/jp303352h.

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