CAS Number 609771-63-3
Fullerenes for Photovoltaics and Biotechnology, MaterialsPC70BM, fullerene electron acceptor used in efficient OPV devices
High purity and available online for fast, secure dispatch
Specifications | Pricing and Options | MSDS | Literature and Reviews
PC70BM ([6,6]-Phenyl-C71-butyric acid methyl ester, CAS number 609771-63-3) is a fullerene electron acceptor commonly used in the most efficient organic photovoltaic devices. The non-symmetrical C70 cage of PC70BM enables energetic transitions that are forbidden in C60, improving the absorption characteristics over PCBM for the visible range of the solar spectrum [1]. This allows increased photon harvesting, and a potentially higher photocurrent for devices using PC70BM rather than PC60BM. The 95% purity PC70BM is recommended for general applications, and has produced power conversion efficiencies of over 9% in our own laboratories when mixed with a low bandgap polymeric donor, while the 99% PC70BM is recommended where ultimate performance is required.
Soluble fullerene acceptor
Enables efficient charge transfer and exicition dissociation
Improves absorption characteristics
for the visible range of the solar spectrum with non-symmetrical C70 cage
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High purity
>99% High purity

PC70BM from Ossila was used in the high-impact paper (IF 29.37), ll-Inkjet-Printed, All-Air-Processed Solar Cells, S. Jung et al., Adv. Energy Mater., 1400432 (2014); DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201400432.
The energy levels and good electron mobility of PC70BM enable it to be used as an electron transport layer in perovskite solar cells. In our laboratories, we have achieved a PCE approaching 12% using PC70BM in CH3NH3PbI3-xClx perovskite solar cells (more details can be found in fabrication guide). When fabricating devices, processing and handling materials in a glove box helps maintain their purity and maintain efficiency by avoiding contamination from particulates, moisture, and airborne impurities.
General Information
CAS Number | 609771-63-3 |
Chemical Formula | C82H14O2 |
Full Name | [6,6]-Phenyl-C71-butyric acid methyl ester |
Molecular Weight | 1031 g/mol |
HOMO / LUMO | HOMO = -5.9 eV, LUMO = -3.9 eV |
Synonyms | C70 PCBM, PC71BM, [70]PCBM |
Classification / Family | Fullerenes, Organic semiconducting materials, Organic Photovoltaics, Polymer Solar Cells, Perovskite Solar cells, Electron transport layer materials |
Chemical Structure

The percentages in the table below represent the ratio of PC70BM to PCBM in the product (i.e. 95% PC70BM with 5% PC60BM).
Code | Purity | Quantity | Price |
M114 | >99% | 100 mg | £220 |
M114 | >99% | 250 mg | £490 |
M114 | >99% | 500 mg | £930 |
M114 | >99% | 1 g | £1730 |
MSDS Documentation
Literature and Reviews
- Influence of PC60BM or PC70BM as electron acceptor on the performance of polymer solar cells, F. Zhang et al., Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells, 97 (2012), 71–77; DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2011.09.006.
- Efficient planar heterojunction mixed-halide perovskite solar cells deposited via spray-deposition, A. T. Barrows et al., Energy Environ. Sci., 7 (2014), 2944–2950; DOI: 10.1039/C4EE01546K.