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Product Code M0161A3-500mg
Price $215 ex. VAT

PFO, semiconducting polymer for high efficiency green OLEDs

High quality polymer available for fast, secure dispatch

Overview | Specifications | MSDS

Poly(9,9-di-n-octylfluorenyl-2,7-diyl), known as F8 or PFO, is a polyfluorene specifically optimized for a variety of organic electronic applications.

General Information

CAS Number 19456-48-5
Chemical Formula (C29H41)n
Full Name Poly(9,9-di-n-octylfluorenyl-2,7-diyl)
Recommended solvents Toluene, xylene, chlorobenzene



Classification / Family Polyfluorenes, Benzothiodiazoles, Organic semiconducting materials, Semiconducting polymers, OLED green emitter materials, OLED materials, Organic photovoltaic (OPV) materials, Polymer solar cells, OFET materials

Chemical Structure

F8, PFO chemical structure
Chemical structure of PFO (F8). CAS No. 19456-48-5. Chemical formula: (C29H41)n.


F8 PFO molecular weight (Mw) distribution plot (GPC)
F8 distribution plot


For a high-efficiency green OLED we recommend blending F8 with F8BT with the below specifications. This ink can then be applied either in air, or in a glove box, with little difference in performance (provided exposure time and light levels are minimised). For more details see our fabrication guide.

At typical concentrations of 10 mg/ml, 100 mg of F8 (PFO) will make around 200 devices on Ossila's standard ITO substrates (20 x 15 mm), assuming 50% solution usage (50% loss in filtering and preparation).

OLED reference device:
  • F8 with F8BT
  • Blend ratio of 19:1 (F8:F8BT) in Toluene
  • Total concentration of 10 mg/ml
  • 0.45 μm PTFE filter (hydrophobic)
  • Spun at 2000 rpm (approx. 70 nm thickness)

Pipetting 20 μl of the above solutions onto a substrate spinning at 2000 rpm should provide a good even coverage, with approximately 70 nm thickness. The substrate needs to be spun until dry, which is typically only a few seconds — 15 seconds should be ample to achieve this. Thermal annealing should be undertaken at 80°C for 10 minutes prior to cathode deposition.

Typical Device Architectures and Performance

A basic, efficient OLED can be made using PEDOT:PSS as a hole-transport layer and Calcium/Aluminum as the electron contact. When used with the Ossila ITO glass OLED substrates and shadow masks this produces an easy to fabricate yet efficient >100 cd/m2 device.

Poly-fluorene based OLED architecture based on F8 blended with F8BT
Typical Ossila device architecture: Polyfluorene-based OLED architecture based on F8 blended with F8BT.

MSDS Documentation

PFO (F8) MSDSPFO (F8) MSDS sheet

Batch Details

Batch number MW MN PDI Stock info
M161 114,050 37,910 3.00 Discontinued
M162 85,983 31,040 2.77 Discontinued
M163 57,798 21,328 2.71 Discontinued
M164 63,114 19,125 3.30 Discontinued
M0161A1 105,491 45,275 2.33 Discontinued
M0161A2 77,293 29,167 2.65 Discontinued
M0161A3 260,817 93,709 2.78 In stock
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